Dec 14, 2019 | Asthma, Respiratory System, Sinus
For Our Sydney Folks Choking In The Smoke Haze…….Australia is up in smoke right now with bush fires galore in case you haven’t seen on the news. East Coast folks, I am so sorry you are having to live in this shitty air quality that is now 11 x the...
Sep 4, 2019 | Allergies, Asthma, Respiratory System
Ahhh the poor folk of Canberra in Australia…. apparently you are experiencing the highest rates of Hay Fever in the whole country right now, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at that news. I’d be curious to know if there is a particular species of...
Jun 9, 2019 | Allergies, Asthma, Autoimmune, Endocrine Disruption
Women, step away from the Perfume and Body Sprays! Ditch your Chanel No.5, J’Adore, Impulse, Michael Kors and all those other fancy perfume names. That’s right….throw them out.Why? ….because you are poisoning your thyroid every single time you...