A Little About Me
I’m Bec and I’ve been busy creating a life less ordinary for myself and my partner in crime and love, Warren.
Not only have I managed to kick an autoimmune disease to the curb naturally but I am happier than I have been in a very long time AND have managed to build a couple of incredible, businesses at the same time. One an organic, whole food meal delivery service and the other a thriving partnership with doTerra.
To me this is the ultimate synergy….two perfectly aligned businesses that thrive upon each other. doTerra is just another tool our meal delivery customers can add to their arsenal to help support their path to wellness…..whatever that looks like for them.
From improved detoxification processes, better sleep, stress and anxiety reduction, clearer skin and a stronger immune system- these incredible bottles of pure plant magic can help with all of that! Sharing the knowledge and love for these oils is my jam. It fills me up, lights me up and allows me to give back to my community by helping them find their way back to themselves.
I love whipping up delicious healthy food, camping on the back of the Harley in the forest, being silly with Sumo the enormous English Pointer x Bull Arab, listening to Coldplay, Biffy Clyro and Ninja Tunes, morning walks when the streets are quiet, green juices, bone broth, educating everyone I meet about the powers of essential oils and hanging with my amazing community of women.
I’m here to help you get started on your own essential oil journey and teach you that an abundance of health, happiness and wealth can be yours too (it’s our birth right after all) if you’re prepared for a little personal growth, a little bit of moving out of your comfort zone and a whole lotta love.
I want to show you that no matter whether you are a stay at home mum, someone totally sick of your 9-5 office job, jaded with climbing the corporate ladder, a starving artist or simply looking for an opportunity that aligns with your personal values and beliefs…… this is for you. The big kahuna.
I’ve found a business opportunity that can provide you with the most wonderful smelling friends a girl could have, community, connection, sisterhood, inspiration and of course – better well being, a healthier bank balance and the ability to contribute to positive change in the world we live in.
Do you believe in magic?
Yes, I do!
Hey There
I’m Bec….. and what inspires me is helping people become healthier and happier versions of themselves.
Founder of My Goodness Organics, Melbourne’s premier organic, whole-food meal delivery company together with my partner in life, love and business.
Originally My Goodness Essentials was simply a space to show my appreciation of essential oils and all that they can afford us physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. My blog pays homage to how essential oils, specifically doTerra’s, can impact our well being, change our chemistry and create lasting positive changes to our vitality.
Using essential oils as part of our primary and preventative healthcare approach is as natural as breathing. Truth.
Now though, My Goodness Essentials is expanding into an online provider of all our favourite ~ essential ~ health and healing tools such as our go-to supplements, tonics and tinctures. At a later date, you will also be able to organise GI Mapping consults with me, Functional Diagnostic Wellness consults and more to help you unlock true health through uncovering your root cause issues.
Warren and I have experienced our fair share of complex chronic health concerns over the past 15 years and as a result, have pooled together an enormous wealth of knowledge and resources on all matters of healing. It is these very personal experiences that drive me to support you in a more intimate capacity as a Practitioner.
I know that when we are experiencing brilliant health and abundance, we inspire others to do the same in a way that is rich with integrity, love, compassion and a whole lot of fun. This is how we co-create positive change in our world.