Jul 11, 2024 | Endocrine Disruption, Thyroid, Uncategorized
The topic of thyroid nodules has come up numerous times of late…endocrinologist’s aren’t sure why thyroid nodules form and they sure as the sun shines have no clue how to reverse thyroid nodules naturally without resorting to surgery. What we DO know is...
Apr 18, 2020 | Allergies, Endocrine Disruption, Immune System
I’ve been pondering the long term ramifications of our excessive use of hand sanitizer and disinfectant on the health of our body ecology these past few weeks….and I do wonder if we are setting ourselves up for bigger problems to come. Countries the world...
Mar 6, 2020 | Endocrine Disruption, Fertility, Hormones
Secret Superheros for Women Everywhere…… No matter what stage of life or stage of cycle, these two beautiful rollers have got your back. Let’s kick off with ClaryCalm shall we? I do not enjoy the smell of her but I sure do appreciate her benefits 😁...
Oct 29, 2019 | Endocrine Disruption, Sun Safety
To receive what the sun is giving us, we should have a relationship with it’. The sun and her healing rays are absolutely critical for sustaining life. Without adequate exposure, our bones weaken, our mental wellbeing declines, our immune system is no longer...
Jun 9, 2019 | Allergies, Asthma, Autoimmune, Endocrine Disruption
Women, step away from the Perfume and Body Sprays! Ditch your Chanel No.5, J’Adore, Impulse, Michael Kors and all those other fancy perfume names. That’s right….throw them out.Why? ….because you are poisoning your thyroid every single time you...
May 9, 2019 | Endocrine Disruption, Fertility, Hormones, Inflammation
Oils to support inflamed endometrial tissue….. I hate seeing friends in crippling pain every month, it’s just not fair and it’s so destructive on their lifestyle and productivity. I used to work with a girl who without fail, would have to take a week...