Jun 8, 2017 | Essential Oils
Essential oils can be an ah-mazing support for a healthy heart and cardiovascular system by dilating arteries, acting as antioxidants to reduce oxidative stress and by decreasing emotional stress which contributes to elevated blood pressure. The most effective...
Jun 8, 2017 | Essential Oils
The Kit that started it all for us 2 years ago….. 2 years ago I was looking for a way to remove the toxins from our home once and for all and then an email popped into my inbox from someone I respected telling me about their new essential oil kit. I took the...
Jun 8, 2017 | Essential Oils
To a chemical free low tox lifestyle?? It’s time. Truly it is. Enough of the damage to our poor, long suffering endocrine and immune systems. Enough breathing in neurotoxins that impact our brain function and happiness. Enough heavy metal laden deodorant being...