Liver Love Bundle

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$99.95 Inc. GST

  • Global Healing Liver Health Tonic 59.2ml

    In stock

  • Grasses of Life Organic Cold Pressed Castor Oil - 500ml

    In stock

Liver Love Bundle

Product Description

Whether fatty liver has been identified as a risk factor, bile production is less than optimal or estrogen dominance has been a thorn in your side, this nifty little combo will help guide your liver and gallbladder out of stagnancy to efficiency.

Global Healing’s Liver Health Tonic optimizes all key functions of the liver, including detoxification, bile production, and energy storage. The expertly chosen blend of botanical substances, including milk thistle and curcumin, contains multiple natural constituents with strong antioxidant activity, protecting liver cells from free radical damage, strengthening liver cell membranes, and helping to maintain the liver’s built-in antioxidant system. This is essential in combating the taxing effects of environmental toxins, poor diet, excess alcohol consumption, and lack of exercise on the liver.

Castor oil also supports and promotes healthy liver function and the normalizing of liver enzymes by reducing inflammation and congestion in the liver and improving blood flow to the liver.  In addition, research shows that castor oil may help your body retain levels of the mother antioxidant glutathione — a crucial antioxidant for supporting both phase one and phase two liver detoxification.

Castor oil supports your detoxification pathways through your lymph, liver, and digestive system by promoting blood flow, bile production and improved lymph circulation to both energize organs and improve waste mobilization. The increased flow of nutrients and oxygen to the liver allow it to function optimally.

Castor oil packing of areas and organs that feel weak or lacking in vital reserves is a great idea. The liver is an organ that can be targeted to support detoxification of the body and you would keep the pack in place for a solid 60 minutes with a heating pad or longer if desired.

Our done for you castor oil packs for the liver and thyroid take all the mess out of the process and are a great add on to your order if you are new to the process.