The longer I travel this path with doTerra the more clearly I can see that this IS the way to Essentialism.
Essentialism as you’ll see above is the notion of doing less and living more. With financial abundance comes great freedom if we dare choose it and that’s what this is all about….choice.
Freedom of choice. How would it feel to make decisions in your life made not on whether you can afford to but whether you WANT to?
Take a moment to think about all of the things you love doing but don’t contribute to your income. Imagine then, being able to do those things every day if you wished because you had an income and a lifestyle that supported those choices and those passions of yours.
By the end of next year, with all my heart I know that Warren and I will have such immense freedom of choice as my doTerra Biz moves into it’s next phase of growth and I’m inviting people in to experience this growth and expansion with me. Let’s do this together and create these opportunities for each other…together.
Set aside an hour of your time to watch this fantastic conversation between Tara and Alice (two brilliant mentors of mine and potentially yours) as they discuss all things business with doTerra, our ability to impact our communities and the globe positively and the reality of this being possible to anyone that is brave enough to just step outside their comfort zone a little. Click on the image below to watch, listen and nod away…….
Click on the image to watch ‘Beyond the Bottle’
So this is what I want I’m putting forward to each of you- If you LOVE your oils, really really love them and really really DESIRE more time and more money to live the life you want to be able to live….. reach out to me. Respond to this email and let’s chat because I have three amazing opportunities available right now to become the next CEO’s of your very own doTerra Biz.
There is no further financial outlay required from you other than to purchase the oils you are already purchasing and loving. A 100PV monthly order (the equivalent of about $130) is the ONLY requirement needed for you to be your own boss and begin earning an income with doTerra.
We have ALL the trainings, resources and support needed to build a thriving business and it’s all free. It just comes with saying YES!
Once you’ve said YES, you will be introduced to the most beautiful collective of women (and men) who want nothing more than to see you succeed.